Cameron Herold: Let’s raise kids to be entrepreneurs
Bored in school, failing classes, at odds with peers: This child might be an entrepreneur, says Cameron Herold. At TEDxEdmonton, he makes the case for parenting and educationRead More
Bored in school, failing classes, at odds with peers: This child might be an entrepreneur, says Cameron Herold. At TEDxEdmonton, he makes the case for parenting and educationRead More
Check out the new home for all things Valuetainment! – Patrick Bet-David talks about how to think more strategically in business and life. He looks at the differentRead More
So many of you send us messages asking for more detailed business advice from Gary – that’s why we love putting out these 4Ds sessions where Gary reallyRead More
Marc Andreessen, Co-Founder & Partner at Andreessen Horowitz, discusses his philosophy on investing in technical founders and the role of technology in today's startups. Andreessen also addresses theRead More
or detailed notes and links to all the resources mentioned in this video, visit Visit the official Valuetainment Store for gear: In this video I cover the topRead More
16 Time Wasters of Entrepreneurs- Visit the official Valuetainment Store for gear: Previous episode: How to Work with Family in Business … Valuetainment- The best channel for new,Read More
Entrepreneurs need inspiration from time to time. And what better way to find inspiration than to take a break and watch some thought-provoking movies. Wherever you are inRead More
We have made a compilation of the top 10 movies we want every entrepreneur or investor should see. These movies teach about power, mentorship, finance, how to stockRead More
Typically, when you think of great entrepreneur movies "The Greatest Showman", a story about P.T. Barnum and his circus doesn't come to mind. But, when you really digRead More