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How Israel Turns Its Soldiers Into Entrepreneurs

Unit 8200 is an elite branch of the Israel Defense Forces, or IDF, that specializes in computer security and murkier, more controversial stuff, such as espionage and cyber attacks. The Unit resembles the National Security Agency (NSA) in the U.S. So it’s not that surprising that Unit 8200 and the IDF would give rise to clever, interesting tech startups. What’s remarkable is how Israel has turned its soldiers into entrepreneurs.

Today, Israel has about 5,500 startups, and it added 1,400 new ones just last year. It has become a world leader not just in security but in chip, printing, biotech, and corporate software, as well. In this episode of Hello World Bloomberg Businessweek’s Ashlee Vance goes to Israel to discover how the IDF became such an efficient technology engine.

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Hello World is a Webby and Emmy-nominated video series from Bloomberg that invites the viewer to come on a journey across the globe to find the inventors, scientists and technologists shaping our future. Join journalist and best-selling author Ashlee Vance on a quest to find the freshest, weirdest tech creations and the beautiful freaks behind them.

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How Israel Turns Its Soldiers Into Entrepreneurs



    1. Forbearance MP

      @the patriot You prove my case with that comment. I like to read the Constitutions of different countries on Constitute dot org. Israel’s reads like a Borg manifesto compared to say Venezuela, which could be a Constitution drawn up by the Na’vi. Intelligence isn’t the be all and end all.

  1. Богдан Поветьев

    ‘Low-tech forms of protest, such as stabbings’. Damn, I thought stabbing a person was a criminal offence, but turns out it was a from of protest all along! Thanks for keeping me informed, Bloomberg!

  2. karimuddin achiczy

    I have a constant shifting perspective of Israel it has definitely extremely from one of anger and hate to admiration and foundness hopefully I can stop relying on media of telling me what’s happening and see the historical rich nation with my own eyes

  3. Kareem Ajibola-Kameel

    i have a theory that people that suffer alot in life including their generations, when you put then into idea making they end up disrupting everything we think is possible. i paused this video and watched some videos on the iron dome and id be damned thats one fine piece of technology.

  4. Y H

    נחמד לראות סרטון שסוף סוף מראה את הדברים המגניבים שבמדינה שלנו. לא רק את הקונפליקט בין הישראלים לפלסטינאים

  5. tzunammi shadai

    Israel is the greatest country with the greatest ppl until you try to organize yourself in line formation to go to an ATM machine or get on a bus and some old lady elbows you to get ahead only to offer you bread once your all seated, returning the smile back onto your face…

  6. El naif

    When I was a child I remember watching in the news all sorts of bombings, buses blown up, gun machine attacks in prom balls, Hezbollah rockets destroying buildings…glad to see Israelis managed to neutralize all these threats to a minimum. And as it shows in this video, they didn’t just pray, curse, protest or boycott, but instead they thought hard, studied long hours, and stayed awake all night doing trial and error until things work.

    1. Brian Xavier

      @Aladyn I get your point, but look what they got for being hard headed, they now live in an open air concentration camp. If only they had agreed to that peace deal, they would be having a state by now.

    2. Aladyn

      @J how about i come to your house and say lets split it, you refuse? then we have a war! if you didnt refuse then we wouldnt have a war and nobody would get hurt, so you are the bad guy in the situation right? chek your logic

  7. Porchen Hund

    Most military systems in the world are bureaucratic and close-minded. The Israeli army is the 1st class. One of the most respected small countries in the world along with Switzerland and Singapore.

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