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Affirmations for Women Entrepreneurs – Attract Abundance In Your Business

#entrepreneurs #manifestingabundance #lawofattraction

Welcome to this Meditation for attracting abundance into your life and business.

Positive affirmations combined with meditation can help reprogram your subconscious mind and create a new way of thinking and being. They help you acquire an empowering belief system so you move you towards your goals and dreams with more confidence, clarity and courage. These affirmations will place you in the energy of manifestation and abundance.

Affirmations alone however will not manifest the life and business you desire, you need to take intentional action in order to attract what it is you want.

✅ I suggest listening to this Affirmation Meditation as often as you can in order to receive its full benefits.

Do not worry if you fall asleep while listening, your unconscious mind will remain open and absorb all the positive and healing affirmations as you rest and reset.

Be sure to only listen when you are seated comfortably and not operating any sort of vehicle or machinery.

** Thank you for checking out my channel! I am grateful! Please be sure to Subscribe for more Meditations, Affirmations, Reiki Healing, Card Readings & Spiritual Coaching Tools!

Have a beautiful and blessed day!

With Love & Gratitude,
Vanessa 🙏💞

"Vanessa Marie Dewsbury is an internationally known Reiki Master, Spiritual Coach, and Author who has helped people from all around the world on their healing journey.

​Vanessa uses her intuitive gifts and mediumship abilities to tap into a person's energy aura so she can assist them in healing at a deep cellular and spiritual level.

Her acquired wisdom through her own life experiences and health issues combined with her training and certifications in various modalities allows her to offer powerful guidance as well as the vital tools required to enhance and promote inner healing."




🎵 Music: Open Sea Morning – Puddle of Infinity



  1. rePodder * Coffee Capsule Recycler

    Thank you so much! This is just what I needed and so glad I found it. I’ll be listening to this ever single morning to affirm I am making a difference for people and planet 🙏✨

    1. Vanessa Marie Dewsbury

      I love this! Blessings and love to you! I’ve uploaded a brand new Meditation for Positive Energy, Peace and Stillness that you might enjoy as well. Thank you for your comment!

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